So here i will create a sample small App to assign roles programmatically as "admin" and "user". Based on the role i will redirect to their respective pages.
- One IDE for java development
- Maven ( just to build, don't worry if you don't have Maven installed you can build via any build tools)
- Spring version 3.2.1
WEB-INF structure... |
Now as you can see i have two folders named "admin" and "user" to differentiate admin section and normal user sections.
I will start from explaining web.xml file.
Here what I have done is I have added the three xml files that are necessary to run this app. Thats it.
Now I will show you how I have mentioned which URL pattern is for Admins and which is for Normal users in the file named admin-spring-security.xml
Here "adminSectionAuthProvider" is a bean class that implements Springs "AuthenticationProvider" interface. This bean will determine what roles to give to what user.
Here "myHandler" is a bean that redirects the user according to the role.
Other settings are self explanatory i guess. Otherwise you can read the springsource documentation for these or can google it.
Now will show you the dispatcher servlet named admin-dispatcher-servlet.xml file. Its only used to add prefix and suffix to the pages for Spring MVC.
For now there is nothing in my applicationcontextXML as i am using @Component for my beans. You can add your beans there.Still will add the skeleton FYR.
Here is a simple entity class for our login. Its just a simple Pojo class which extends Springs UserDetails
Now will show you the Authentication provider where I am taking the input from login page and validating the user.
For now I am hardcoding username password. But you can implement your own way of authentication. Its just an example.Now I have to redirect the uesrs after validating. Here is the handler which does that programatically based on the role aded to the user.
In my controller classes I just show some basic infos like username only. For example i will add logincontroller.
The login.jsp is below
The dependent jars are added via Maven Dependency. here is my pom.xml
You can download the sources from here